The "Day of Fun" for Kids
There is alot of work to do, but the "Day of Fun"
group is still going to happen.

For those not familiar, it is an idea that has been an "idea" and nothing more.

This will be a group that is going to be built from the ground up.  The plan is simple.  We have a "Day of Fun" for the children of the women who are residing in battered women.  Some of what they will have a chance to do:

  • Inflatable "Bounce Houses"
  • Cotton candy, sno-cone, and popcorn machines.
  • Pony Rides
  • Games
  • Projection Movies
The biggest obstacle is capital to cover overhead.  Once again, the next Group Progress & Information Meeting will provide a platform to address this plan going forward. 

Coat & Blanket Drive

We will be hashing out the details over the next few days, but...

We will be partnering with various churches, businesses, ansd other groups to organize a Coat & Blanket Drive for the less fortunate within our community.

Stay tuned and we will have news within the week! 


Link to Projected Costs Associated with Groups:

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